RS280/RSH280 Porcelain Kiln
Product Features: Heating elements are installed on both sides and at the base. Long life of the heating elements is ensured as a result of adaptive wire calculations. Silent operation of the heating system is ensured by SSR (solidstaterelais) type relays. Fast rhythmization of switching operations ensures precise heat flow. Double coated cover with low external temperatures. Lid contact switch with forced disconnection. Insulation of the furnace chamber with lightweight firebricks and special backside isolation for low electricity consumption Complete Alumina Brick on 6 surfaces inside the furnace, absolutely no fiber containing carcinogenic materials is used inside the furnace. Infinitely adjustable air supply and discharge for short cooling times. For safety reasons, the door can be locked with a padlock so that it cannot be opened. Air discharge place on the kiln The ceiling is dome shaped.
Digital : 850 / 860 Programmer Features: Automatic operation on the desired day and time All values such as Date, Time, How Many Prog. and How Many Steps Set, Current Temperature, Set Temperature, Remaining Time can be seen on the screen. Automatic self-activation in case of power outages 5 Prog. + 15 steps in each program To be able to review the reports of the last 8 moxibustions
Note Elements that may cause problems such as doors and stairs that the kiln will pass to the place where it will be placed should be known and notified in advance and these should be taken into consideration. Electrical connections in the place where the kiln will be operated must be ready and must be able to handle the power of the kiln.
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